The Purple Tent Book Group

The main character in my novel in progress (working title, A Chapter on Love) is Jannika Carlson. She is a manager of a used bookstore in New Hampshire called, The Pageturner. She runs a few book groups at the store and her favorite is The Purple Tent Book Group. All the members are lesbians. There is a real Purple Tent Book Group in New England and I’ve been a member. I didn’t want to copy that book group, I wanted to honor the women of that book group and what they’ve meant to me over the years. The members gave me their blessing to use the real name of the group in the book.


I had the great good fortune to visit with them a few weeks ago and read a book group scene from the novel. I set up the scene and assured everyone that the characters in the books as they would hear are bits and pieces of reality and make-believe. I was a bit anxious as I read and hoped they would “get” what I was trying to say with the scene. I’m happy to report that they gave me a heartfelt round of applause, then peppered me with questions about the novel.

Like the encouragement and support The Purple Tent Book group gives Jannika in my story, these women gave me the much needed boost to get back to my story and my final edits before I submit it to a publisher. Thanks Purple Tent ladies!